Monday, August 30, 2010

Week 4 Fashion, Modernity & the City: Professor Vicki Karaminas

In this week’s lecture, Dr. Vicki Karaminas, Associate Professor of Fashion Studies and Associate Head of the School of Design, spoke to us about ‘Fashion, Modernity and the City – The Spaces and Places of Consumption’.
Karaminas opened with the quote; 'An amalgamation of seams and textiles- an interface between the body and the environment.'
The sites where we gather information are simultaneously sites for production and consumption of commodities and thoughts. Vicki gave the example of the opening of the Bon Marche development store, 1952, and the Au Printemps in 1865. These sites became the major source for production and consumption.
The most inspiring quote during this lecture came from Christopher Breward's book, Fashioning London:
‘like the metropolis itself, fashion is marked by the complexity of its many-layered meanings, … It is a bounded thing, fixed and experienced in space – an amalgamation of seams and textiles, an interface between the body and its environment. It is a practice, a fulcrum for the display of taste and status, a site for the production and consumption of objects and beliefs; and it is an event, both spectacular and routine, cyclical in its adherence to the natural and commercial seasons, innovatory in its bursts of avant-gardism, and sequential in its guise as a palimpsest of memories and traditions’ (2004:11).
Vicki spoke to us about the complex relationship between modernity and fashion, and the city in which we live. She spoke about the representation of fashion in the city and how both places and spaces of consumption, such as window displays, show the vital role that fashion plays in patterns of consumption and the overall urban environment.

During our design lab we learnt about device parsing and how different devices work. The lecture linked in well with this class, as working with electronics and technologies is central to the ideas of consumption and production.

Device Parsing involves the taking apart of various electronics to analyze and learn about the different elements within the device. The pictures below show the speakers we took apart and its various components.

Mind Map of relevant people and issues within The Cross

During our group discussion we spoke with George about who we could interview and we came up with a variety of answers. We brainstormed the different stakeholders, users, police, transport workers. Below is a list of people we wish to interview and possible questions. In the next few days we hope to further develop these questions and interview key people.

Ipod Speakers we used for device parsing
During Bert's lecture we focused on designing for interaction, which was extremely important in regards to our interaction group project due later in the semester. Bert spoke about understanding the problem space, and exploring the problem completely before posing solutions.
Bert emphasised the importance of interviews and questionnaires when exploring different spaces. Daniel and Alex, 2 of our Escape Kings Cross group members took pictures of our problem spaces, Kings Cross, during the day and night. To check out these pics, visit Daniel Mazic's blog at

Rundle Lantern Launch from Fusion on Vimeo.
Check it out!!


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