Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 6 Traces: Bert Bongers

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

"Paint with your computer...use the projector as your brush...and the world is your canvas"- - Bert Bongers

Bert Bongers our Interactivating the City lab teacher introduced the audience to 'Traces- The City as a Canvas". I thoroughly enjoyed this lecture...the whole concept of digital traces, such as RFID tags, which we have explored extensively during our lab time, and how modes of expression affect how we leave traces and the reasons why we leave them.

There are many different kinds of traces; people and animals leave traces of movement, environmental influences of traces such as snow, visual traces and digital traces.

Bert referred to these traces as, 'lines of desire' - - what people want and their behavioural patterns. These traces also help us explore what people need, for example, large areas on gum on the floor represents the need for bins in the space.

Bert also mentioned Aaron Koblin, an american artist who now works for google. He specialises in data visualisation, and his 'Flight Patterns' explores air traffic around the world.

Aaron Koblin- Flight Patterns

Bert continued the concept of traces during the tutorial later in the week- - using projectors as an instrument to alter environments to fulfill the needs of the user.
We spent the week gathering information for our Interim presentation on Friday, which involves presenting our design research and ideas for the next stage of the design phase. Our group has decided to focus on the Kings Cross Precinct and the issue of transport. We have decided to explore the theme of Urban Graffiti and use interactive projections triggered and altered by the user. We seek to use these projections to solve anti-social behaviour.
The NSW Police have been cracking down on alcohol related violence and the related antisocial behaviour. Our group found a variety of recent new articles relevant to exploring our problem space which is an alcohol infused area.
This research is extremely important as we move into the second half of the semester, in further understanding our problem area and the space we are designing for.

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