Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 7 Media Facades: Dr Hank Haeusler

Today's lecture explored creating buildings for digital citys. Design professionals now have to take on new media skills and understanding when proposing certain developments. The lecture was extremely visual, and took us through various footage and animated facades. It spoke about the do's and dont's of designing a media facade. For more information on Dr Hank Haeusler's work, refer to his book "Media Facades: History, Technology and Media Content".

 Some examples of amazing digital facades:
Blade Runner: The first time a facade was shown in a movie format

The Tower of Wind

Shibuya Crossing
I found this lecture very engaging mainly because it linked in so well with our group work. It explained the technical understandings of facades which will be useful when creating our urban media/graffiti proposal. Digital facades are questionable- in regards to the community and their needs. A lot of research is required before installing these projections into the environment. The impact of such projections requires planning in relation to its influence on and development of the wider community.

3 Types of Media Facades
  1. Mechanical facades- Moving physical components
  2. Projection facades
  3. Illuminant facades – Different experience between viewing it from close up compared with far distances
There are many current examples of these around the world- Our group will be able to look at the work of various groups such as Urbanscreen to explore the possibilities and help steer our group in a direction which would be the most benefitical for the target audience and problem space. The below are examples of large screen projections- something our group would like to achieve.

Lorch am Rhein: Glanzlicht Hilchen-Haus / Urbanscreen (Bremen)

Oberwesel: Liquid Memories / Philipp Geist (Berlin)

Rheinfels (St.Goar) Skertzò (Paris)

Marksburg (Braubach): Plays of Shadow

Koblenz: A Wall is a Screen

As we prepared for our interim presentation on Friday, we collated our research to create our presentation. Our main focus was using projections to change the Kings Cross space.

Check out our presentation below;

slides 1-4

slides 5-8

Slides 9-14

slides 15-20

slides 21-26

Our group plans to use the holidays to refine our design idea and finalise our desired outcome, to ensure we make strong connections to why we have chosen to incorporate interactive projections into the problem space of Kings Cross.


Videos: Refer to link above each video
Shibuya Crossing:
Tower of Wind:
Blade Runner Image:

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 6 Traces: Bert Bongers

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

"Paint with your computer...use the projector as your brush...and the world is your canvas"- - Bert Bongers

Bert Bongers our Interactivating the City lab teacher introduced the audience to 'Traces- The City as a Canvas". I thoroughly enjoyed this lecture...the whole concept of digital traces, such as RFID tags, which we have explored extensively during our lab time, and how modes of expression affect how we leave traces and the reasons why we leave them.

There are many different kinds of traces; people and animals leave traces of movement, environmental influences of traces such as snow, visual traces and digital traces.

Bert referred to these traces as, 'lines of desire' - - what people want and their behavioural patterns. These traces also help us explore what people need, for example, large areas on gum on the floor represents the need for bins in the space.

Bert also mentioned Aaron Koblin, an american artist who now works for google. He specialises in data visualisation, and his 'Flight Patterns' explores air traffic around the world.

Aaron Koblin- Flight Patterns

Bert continued the concept of traces during the tutorial later in the week- - using projectors as an instrument to alter environments to fulfill the needs of the user.
We spent the week gathering information for our Interim presentation on Friday, which involves presenting our design research and ideas for the next stage of the design phase. Our group has decided to focus on the Kings Cross Precinct and the issue of transport. We have decided to explore the theme of Urban Graffiti and use interactive projections triggered and altered by the user. We seek to use these projections to solve anti-social behaviour.
The NSW Police have been cracking down on alcohol related violence and the related antisocial behaviour. Our group found a variety of recent new articles relevant to exploring our problem space which is an alcohol infused area.
This research is extremely important as we move into the second half of the semester, in further understanding our problem area and the space we are designing for.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 5 Waste: Kerryn Caulfield

Following Vicki Karaminas’ lecture last week on the spaces of consumption, this week we explored one of the consequences of consumption - - WASTE. In this week’s lecture, Kerryn Caulfield, Chief Operating Office of Apical International, spoke to us about textile, technology & waste.
"In today’s environment, sustainability is the persuading factor behind all innovation. Companies throughout Australia – and across the world – are increasingly taking their environmental responsibilities more seriously and are becoming more environmentally astute. Recycling materials, using less energy and reducing emissions are some ways companies are becoming more sustainable, all of which requires innovation across products and internal processes."

Caulfield spoke about the purpose of fabric and textiles in today's society. I found this quite interesting as textiles come in a multitude of forms; for example racing cars, aeroplanes, and cars- - more than 40 automotive parts within the car that are made from either woven, non woven or knitted materials. Since the amount of waste is constant and not dramatically increasing, the Government is in the process of developing a 'National Waste Policy' which will propose strategies to minimise our waste. Check out the Government's new policy at - -

Kerryn then went on to speak to us about the amount of textile waste which ends up in landfill- a staggering 4.5% of landfill is textile waste. The lecture explored product stewardship and how it will be a big part of the future. Waste is a huge issue, "Billions of tonnes of waste is generated in Australia every year".

This figure made me realise how much society unknowingly contributes to this number. Caulfield has written a discussion paper entitled, Sources of Textile Waste in Australia. Check it out at- -

Throughout the lecture Caulfield presented us with many graphs- one in particular I found quite entertaining, the rate of waste was growing faster than the population itself!! As Caulfield put it, we were going to be "drowning in our own waste". There are 3 major forms of textile waste causing majoriy of our problems,
  • Pre-consumer textile waste
  • Post consumer textile waste
  • Industrial textile waste

According to Caulfield, ‘businesses created this problem so businesses have the power to solve it!’. Instead of looking at waste as just that – ‘waste’ – we must look at is as ‘textile recovery resources’.
We are able to:
1.        Recycle/reuse
2.        Regenerate
3.        Create energy from waste (although this is not currently used in Australia)

- - -Moving on to our group work, it has been a bit difficult to draw connections from the lecture. However in terms of ever evolving technology and production, there is no doubt that technological devices are contributing to this waste. Therefore, it is important to design for the environment and always consider the influence of our proposed designs on the environment throughout their life span.

During the tutorial, we spoke about personas for our group project and came up with 3 personas to better understand our problem space and possible project proposals.  Creating personas was a very helpful exercise as they allowed us to imagine real life scenarios and experiences different people face and deal with. By considering these personas we were able to further develop our interview questions. We have decided to interview the Kings Cross station staff/station master, The Waverton Council, visitors to the Cross, Security, Police and the Ambulance.

During Bert's lecture we spoke about the 'active modes of perception' which are vital to interactivation and how senses are based on change. In terms of perception, I found this topic really interesting as we explored how the eye sees what it chooses to see...gosh thats a mouthful! I love optical illusions and they came straight to mind...
Persona 1Persona 2Persona 3
  • 23 y.o
  • Lives in St.Ives
  • Regular to ‘The Cross
  • Meets friend at Gordon station and trains into Kings Cross
  • Takes $300 with him in cash
  • He is a real estate agent and has ‘the gift of the gab’
  • He is a consumerist, is trendy, fit, good looking, slightly arrogant
  • He’s single
  • Goes clubbing
  • Australian 2nd generation
  • Confident
  • school leaver
  • visits The Cross once a month
  • lives in the Hills District so she drives because it’s too difficult to use public transport
  • but then, she has a drink and so she decides to leave her car in  The Cross
  • She then plans to make her way home with friends
  • She’s her on her red p’s so she has to drive in to The Cross before 11
  • 34
  • Lives with his partner
  • Lives in the inner west – Annandale
  • Likes to go to Newtown for drinks
  • Likes the pub culture more than clubbing
  • Uses the bus both ways
  • Often has work drinks and sometimes goes for dinner
  • He enjoys dining out but not hard clubbing

These personas will help us make informed decisions when choosing our target audience for our interviews and what questions we should focus on asking. 

How many legs does this elephant have?
How many legs?

Short-Circuit Your Brain
Look at the chart above and say the COLOR of the word,
not the word itself.

Why is it so difficult? Because the right half of your brain
is trying to say the color, while the left side of your brain
is trying to say the word.

Young Lady or Old Lady?

Our group is considering using projections as entertainment within The Cross, and therefore the notion of perception is extremely important as we need to ensure the users see what we intend them to see.

Government Policy:
Caulfield's Paper:
Awesome Optical Illusion website: http:/